
Friday, April 6, 2012

Kim Karadashian and Kanye West – Another Wedding Special In The Works?

Newly divorced, but still battling out some issues in court, Kim Kardashian has been seen out and about with Kanye West. And not just seen out and about and “canoodling” as some are apt to call it, but Kim was spotted doing the full-blown WALK OF SHAME from Kanye's building wearing the very same outfit she wore the previous night when they attended a movie together.

Now what's the deal? Kim certainly has enough money to buy another outfit, heck, she has her only clothing line and boutiques, so why in the world would you let yourself be caught in that situation? Leather pants, wife beater and spike heels might be appropriate for an evening at the cinema, but not 10:28 the following morning. A cute pair of shorts and casual shirt would be much better.

It has been long-rumored that these two lovebirds have had a thing for each other, so why did it take so long for them to get together, at least in the public eye? Kanye wrote such a touching melody for Kim when she was with her ex, Kris Humphries, that included a touching threat to Kris to have his pal, Jay Z, owner of the New Jersey Nets, the team Kris plays for, drop him from the team. How any of that relates to the song's title of “Theraflu,” I haven't a clue. But hey! Check it out! I dropped a rhyme on y'all! Maybe Kim's newest relationship will be the reason I head into my next career as a rapper!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dancing With The Stars Ousts Jack Wagner

Am I good or what? I predicted the celebs who would land in the bottom on last night's “Dancing With The Stars” results show.

Out from my bottom three is Jack Wagner, who was disappointed, but left the show with grace. I didn't mind Jack, but knew he couldn't last in the company of some truly great dancers.

There is just no time this season to be anything but great as the celebs are finding out quickly. It was unheard of for the celebrities to get such high scores in these early weeks and the pressure is on to keep them up.

It was also announced last night that the judges will be stepping in for a few weeks and making the final vote-off decision themselves between the two bottom-placing couples. I like that idea. Too often this show, as well as many like it, that are driven by fan votes, become complete popularity contests and not any sort of show of skill or talent.

“American Idol” is perhaps the worst offender. It almost never fails that the contestant who comes from the most populated area of the country goes far. And now that cell phones are a must-have for every pre-teen girl on the planet, the cutest boys tend to do quite well, racking in double the votes of the girls. Sometimes the two meet and you get a cute contestant from a larger metropolis who can sing, but more often than not, the cute winning males are never heard from again after their moment of confetti-covered glory is over.

I have seen far worse offenses when it comes to the voting on “Dancing With The Stars.” And while teenage girls may not be giving themselves carpal tunnel texting in vote for their favorites, the older ladies don't seem to mind making a few calls for the men who rip off their shirts. I have as of yet to hear my husband tell any of his buddies that they need to call and save Gladys Knight from elimination, but I know for a fact that a group of women at the grocery store spend their Monday nights voting for William Levy.

For a female celeb on DWTS, her chances are greatly increased if she is paired with one of the hottie male professional dancers, i.e., Mark Ballas, Derek Hough and Maksim Yummykovsky (no, not his real name). The younger set, when their Disney dancer or hot male rap star has been eliminated, will switch their votes to actually reflect their love for the male professional and not so much whats-her-face he is dancing with.

Hopefully the judges can look past the hype and base their final decisions on actual dancing. I'm sure Len can, but am not so sure about Bruno, and Carrie Ann will be useless if anyone is dancing shirtless.

Have you seen the Dallas Tornado Video?

I have seen several clips, but then hopped onto YouTube and just watched. The damage was so horrific that it was almost surreal. I couldn't believe what I was seeing was actually happening.

To see semi trucks and trailers being tossed about like they were toys was awful. I can only imagine how absolutely frightening it must have been to be in the middle of it all.

It also made me think back on that ridiculous movie, “Twister” with Helen Hunt...remember the cows flying in the air? How stupid that was when you get a chance to witness the real thing.

I was in a tornado as a child. Actually, I was in a basement being protected by my parents as the roof of their first home was literally lifted up and carried away during the tornado. Much of my mother's décor remained untouched and unbroken so with exception to not having a roof, we came out of things just fine.

My parents decided to move to yet another state with a long history of tornadoes and while we came close a few times, fortunately, we never were hit again.

Now that I am married, I have moved to, and subsequently moved out of two towns that shortly after I left, were devastated by tornadoes. And where did I end up? In the county in this state most hit by tornadoes in the state's history. Small town (even smaller than the tiny burg I live in!) not too far away, got hit a couple of years ago and erased the town from the map.

While I am loving the early spring weather my area is experiencing, it also scares me a bit as well knowing the tornado season will be unusually long this year. There are definitely some times that I appreciate the nasty winters typical for this area and not so much the balmier weather.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dancing With The Stars Turns Into The Crying Game

Emotions were running high last night on Dancing With The Stars as the celebrities were asked to choose the most important year of their lives, pick a song from that time, and then form a dance to communicate the reason/event that made that year so special or heart-breaking.

If the celebs could manage to get judge Carrie Ann Inaba to cry prior to even showing up on the dance floor, they were guaranteed at least a nine, and for some those tears translated to 10's. The sobbier the story, the higher the points, with bonus points given if the celeb was too overcome with emotion to be interviewed by DWTS co-host Brooke Burke-Charvet.

The most heart-wrenching stories got the best scores, with exception to poor little Laura Ingalls, Melissa Gilbert, who even though she related the story of how she broke her back and was frightened that the corrective surgery needed would leave her paralyzed, only managed to get a score of 24 as compared to the other sad-storied celebs.

Now a score of 24 in week three of this competition is pretty incredible and only shows the caliber of dancing this group of celebrities has brought to the game. Everyone was really quite good last night with no obviously awful dancers. Of course it would also be incredibly difficult for the judges to downgrade any of them as even the cheerful tales related caused tears at some point.

If I had to guess who will appear in the bottom three tonight, I would say Gavin DeGraw, Jack Wagner and Gladys Knight. That list is based strictly on performances and ability to improve in the weeks ahead. Fan votes count for a lot and if anyone has a good fan base they can often surprise us all with their staying power.

CoNgrAtuLatIonS Kentucky Wildcats NCAA Basketball Champions

No, I didn't watch a single game in the entire tournament, but I did pick the Wildcats to win, and not my own alma mater, in silly bets with friends and family.

What I really am happiest about is that this whole NCAA basketball business is over and no longer able to interrupt my regular television viewing. From the sweet sixteen to the elite eight, final four on down to the championship game, I haven't been able to escape this basketball frenzy for weeks.

I don't blame the players, nor the game, but I am awfully tired of network television's scheduling mismanagement when it comes to sports. CBS just happens to be the worst culprit of them all, consistently, throughout every sport they televise.

Let's take football for instance, where we manage to take what is in essence an hour long game and turn it into an almost four-hour event. And why is network television in denial about this? CBS seems to be the worst offender of them all, but mainly because they refuse to trim the fat from any of the shows they insist on airing after the football games to get their schedule back on track by the 7pm family viewing hour. I've watched games on Fox and NBC as well, and both are better able to recognize that the viewing public appreciates that they are willing to sacrifice some of their own advertising to move things along.

Forget watching any Sunday night CBS program at the time it is supposed to air. If it isn't basketball or football, it will be NASCAR or golf, something is going to make them fall behind schedule and make you have to fight your DVR or force you to blow a six-hour tape trying to record an hour-long program.

If the average football game takes at least 3 ½ hours to broadcast, why only schedule three hours for the event? And if you have two on the schedule starting at noon CST, why would you ever think you only need six hours to show them both? At best, your evening programming starts at 6:30pm, but more often CBS ends up closer to an hour behind schedule on a consistent basis throughout the football season. It happened during the basketball tournament as well.

Be realistic, CBS, and stop driving your viewers away!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Not Enough Hours For Monday Must-See TV Viewing

TGFDVR or I wouldn't have a chance of keeping up with all of my vitally important reality shows!

On tonight's schedule we have:

Dancing With The Stars
The Voice
Bethenny Ever After
Watch What Happens Live
Undercover Boss Abroad

I just spent the last 20 minutes reviewing other vitally important stuff stored on my DVR to clear out enough space for what I have to record tonight. What I need is a DVR for my life or a simple Home Cloning Kit so I can get the house picked up while I catch up on my reality shows!

Arnold may have said, “I'll be bock,” but it won't be in Total Recall remake

Utterly and deliciously sexy Colin Farrell takes the lead role that Arnold Schwarzenegger originated in 1990, as Doug Quaid, unassuming worker of the future looking to take a virtual vacation and travel to Mars. Arnold's Quaid experiences his fabulous vacation in virtual reality, when something shocking happens as he sees himself as someone else, with a whole different life, though one that still contains plenty of hot chicks, in his virtual world.

It is unclear what the premise will be for Colin's Quaid character to meet his virtual other self, whether through the same virtual vacation agency Arnold used in the original or if Colin will simply have some unnerving dreams that lead him to believe his brain has been wiped clean of memories of a previous existence, also inclusive of the requisite hot chicks.

For Arnold, the chicks included Rachel Ticotin and Sharon Stone, before her underwear-less days on “Basic Instinct.” Colin enjoys the lovely Kate Beckinsale as his real-time wife and Jessica Biel as Melina, the wife who turns on him in his virtual world. The future Mrs. Justin Timberlake should shine in an action role, but Farrell is sure to have more chemistry with Beckinsale.

I liked the original “Total Recall” and am from the old school that finds that most movie remakes never should have been touched, but with 22 years of new technology under our belts, it might be time to see what new bells and whistles can be added. Do they really add any value? I don't know. Short of the old “Flash Gordon” movies that clearly showed fishing line guiding tin can rockets through the air, unless the effects can be that much improved upon, I say leave well enough alone.