
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sarah Palin Tapped by NBC To Battle Katie Couric Tuesday Morning

In an attempt to combat Katie Couric's comeback as morning show queen on ABC, as she fills in for Robin Roberts while she takes some time off, NBC has called upon Sarah Palin to step in as co-host Tuesday morning. Sarah will reportedly give her take on the republican Presidential candidates and current President Barack Obama, as well as act as co-host on the morning news program.

NBC has also promised a major legend as a guest on Monday and filled the roster for the rest of the week with other extremely high-profile guests, including Nadya Sulemon (California's newest welfare recipient), Tori Spelling and Giuliana and Bill Rancic who will discuss Giuliana's decision not to undergo chemotherapy as part of her battle against her breast cancer. Giuliana and Bill have been somewhat under fire because of her decision to skip chemo in favor of a double mastectomy and some feel she is personally responsible for causing others to not make the best decision for themselves when dealing with breast cancer.

Will it be enough to stop viewers from watching “Good Morning America?”

CBS is giving it the old college try as well with co-anchor Gayle King pulling in bestie Oprah Winfrey and a teaser promising that Oprah opens up about things she has never talked about before. What that could be is anyone's guess as the woman's life has been out there for decades, but I will suspect that recently ousted from Oprah's OWN network, Rosie O'Donnell, will be a hot topic of conversation.

I still have issues with Katie so I will resist the temptation to change channels to ABC, but CBS might just get a few minutes of my time tomorrow morning.

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