
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Slime-Covered Stars Thrill The Audience at 2012 Kids Choice Awards

I've got to hand it to the celebrities willing to make an appearance on Nickelodean-hosted Kids' Choice Awards. Anyone setting foot on stage for the event was in risk of walking off stage covered in green slime as they presented or accepted one of the infamous “Blimp” awards. As host Will Smith exclaimed, “No one is safe from the slime!”

Unlike the Academy Awards, the Emmy's and pretty much every other award show around, the Kids' Choice Awards caters to kids in every way, giving them a voice as they are the voters deciding on the winners. The show also gives the younger set a chance to connect with the stars they most admire in the entertainment world. The celebrities who dare to appear are rewarded not only with admiration and adulation from the kids, but a healthy dose of respect from the parents and adults for taking the time from their schedules to make an appearance.

It seems that many celebrities have learned that the voices of children are just as powerful as those of the adults, especially in an industry where ticket and DVD sales make or break a star and determine their value to the viewing public in general.

Celebs slimed on last night's show included host Will Smith, Justin Bieber, Halle Berry, “Twilight's” Taylor Lautner and “Glee” star, Chris Colfer. Other winners included another Twilight alum Kristen Stewart, favorite actor Adam Sandler, Katy Perry and Selena Gomez. Highest honor of the night was presented by First Lady, Michelle Obama, to Taylor Swift for her charity work.

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