
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Amityville Horror House – Good Real Estate Deal?

If given the opportunity, would you have made the same decision as George and Kathy Lutz and purchased the home that the 1979 film and subsequent remakes, sequels and prequels were centered around?

If you could get it for a great deal, would you taken the chance? The Lutzes where given full disclosure of what had happened in the home just a year prior when a very troubled 28-year-old shot his family to death in it. Undisclosed at the time, however, was the supposed fact that the home was built on a tribal burial ground and also had supposedly been inhabited by a devil worshiper at one point.

How much of a discount would you expect to get, based on the full family slaughter that occurred just the year before?

The Lutzes were happy buying the home for $80K when it was valued at $120 at the time. I'd need more of discount.

Once you moved in, how many odd incidents would it take to drive you out? If this had happened in the middle of the housing stimulus deal, the Lutzes would have been stuck with the house for three years before they could sell it, but thankfully they weren't, and moved from the home about a month after moving in, claiming demonic possession of the home.

Demonic possession or real estate regret? Movers were sent to the home the day after the Lutzes left to pack up their possessions and reported no paranormal activity. Buyers of the home, just a month and a half later said the damage claims made by the Lutzes simply did not exist.

George Lutz maintains that the events portrayed in the book were “mostly true” and both he and Kathy passed a lie detector test in 1979.

So what was the deal? Every claim made by the Lutzes has basically been successfully refuted. On the other hand, while one of the Lutzes may have been able to fool the lie detector test successfully, it would be extremely odd that both could have accomplished that feat.

Was the house haunted or were the Lutzes a victim of some pretty strong suggestions of demonic possession that then had the whole family manifesting the horrors in their minds?

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