
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

CoNgrAtuLatIonS Kentucky Wildcats NCAA Basketball Champions

No, I didn't watch a single game in the entire tournament, but I did pick the Wildcats to win, and not my own alma mater, in silly bets with friends and family.

What I really am happiest about is that this whole NCAA basketball business is over and no longer able to interrupt my regular television viewing. From the sweet sixteen to the elite eight, final four on down to the championship game, I haven't been able to escape this basketball frenzy for weeks.

I don't blame the players, nor the game, but I am awfully tired of network television's scheduling mismanagement when it comes to sports. CBS just happens to be the worst culprit of them all, consistently, throughout every sport they televise.

Let's take football for instance, where we manage to take what is in essence an hour long game and turn it into an almost four-hour event. And why is network television in denial about this? CBS seems to be the worst offender of them all, but mainly because they refuse to trim the fat from any of the shows they insist on airing after the football games to get their schedule back on track by the 7pm family viewing hour. I've watched games on Fox and NBC as well, and both are better able to recognize that the viewing public appreciates that they are willing to sacrifice some of their own advertising to move things along.

Forget watching any Sunday night CBS program at the time it is supposed to air. If it isn't basketball or football, it will be NASCAR or golf, something is going to make them fall behind schedule and make you have to fight your DVR or force you to blow a six-hour tape trying to record an hour-long program.

If the average football game takes at least 3 ½ hours to broadcast, why only schedule three hours for the event? And if you have two on the schedule starting at noon CST, why would you ever think you only need six hours to show them both? At best, your evening programming starts at 6:30pm, but more often CBS ends up closer to an hour behind schedule on a consistent basis throughout the football season. It happened during the basketball tournament as well.

Be realistic, CBS, and stop driving your viewers away!

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