
Monday, April 2, 2012

Country Music Awards Ruined My Night

And I didn't even watch the show.

The CMA's however, were broadcast on CBS last night which meant that my normal Sunday night staple, “The Amazing Race,” was not shown.

I knew it was coming last week when the last “Amazing Race” concluded and they noted that the previews were for the show coming up in two weeks. I thought for certain the darn basketball tournament was responsible, but no, it was just the annual gathering of country music's finest. Not that I really know who those people are because I am just not a fan of the genre.

Typically CBS's coverage of the basketball tournament would interrupt “Survivor” and that was enough to make me hate them and boycott the network until Sunday nights when I had to see “The Amazing Race.”

I find that every Sunday, however, I am getting more and more hostile towards CBS as they notoriously broadcast sporting events that typically run well-past their scheduled time slot and then move every other program after them to start much later than normal.

My question to CBS: If you broadcast a golf tournament, football game or NASCAR race and it ALWAYS goes past the time period allotted for it, why not adjust the schedule accordingly?

And please, why insist on showing “60 Minutes” in its entirety when the last seven minutes of the show at least, is nothing but a giant plug for CBS shows. “60 Minutes” clearly ends, heads into commercials and stays on commercials for upcoming CBS shows for the next seven to ten minutes and then goes back to “60 Minutes” to show another couple of minutes worth of credits. Did Andy Rooney make a special request, or stipulate in his will, that no one take up those last few minutes ever with something other than commercials? 

If not for "The Amazing Race" and "Survivor," CBS would get very little of my viewing time.

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