
Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools Day Paranoia Sets In

I am feeling especially paranoid as I wait for my husband to pounce, and wonder how will I be made to look like a fool this year?

Past years have had him pulling all sorts of stunts, from the utterly juvenile to the downright evil genius. We have cut back on the last couple of April Fool's Day hijinks after he told me his mother was coming for a visit, I didn't believe him and a half hour later, there she was, at my door, with my house a mess, me in my requisite sweats and dishes piled high in the sink.

Several years ago, not thinking about the date at all, I headed out the door to do some shopping at what was then a fairly local mega mall. I met up with some friends and we shopped until our credit cards couldn't take it any more and when I went out to find my car, it was gone. It hit me that it was April 1st, as I had just about made my way to the security booth, ready to report my vehicle stolen, and decided to turn around and look for my car. 90 minutes and ten parking levels later, I found it, parked in the most remote spot, with every orifice filled with balloons. Considering my husband was out of town on business, I knew one of his friends had to have helped him, but to this day have no idea which one of his buddies now possesses the keys to my car, my home, or both.

I'm never as prepared for the day as my husband is and think there should be June 1st Exact Revenge Day for all us who have bitten into a piece of rubber bologna, gone on snipe hunts, scratched off winning, but fake lottery tickets, had our hair temporarily dyed green, etc. I need the time to plot and plan!

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