
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Alicia Silverstone Proves She Needs Parenting Classes ASAP

Just when I think I am done ranting for the day, and doing my best to try and get into my personal Zen zone, I have to view the video posted by Alicia Silverstone of her feeding her 10-month-old son, Bear Blu (that should be popular in school), by chewing his food in her own mouth and then semi-spitting it into Bear's mouth. Alicia reports that Bear just goes crazy when he sees her eating anything and races over to “attack” her mouth to get a snack for himself.

This is just disgusting on so many levels...

The kid attacks her mouth. Dear Lord, the last time I heard or read such a reference was in a trashy Jackie Collins' book, and the action was performed between two consenting adults...not a 10-month-old and his mother.

Where did Alicia get the information that this practice would benefit her child in any way? The Audubon Society magazine? A veterinarian guide? I bet that's it! Alicia, a practicing vegan, probably thought she was reading a guide for vegetarians when she picked up the latest issue of “Veterinary Practice News.”

Or maybe we should feel sorry for Alicia. Perhaps her residuals from “Clueless” finally ran out and she is unable to pay her electric bill to power up the blender for little Bear Blu's food.

What happens when she goes out to dinner with the kid is what I'd like to know. Will he only “attack” mommy's mouth, or is any filled pie-hole worthy of sucking the nutrition out of?

File under YUCK of the Day...

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