
Friday, March 30, 2012

Julia Roberts As An Evil Queen In Mirror Mirror

Say it isn't so! I don't know if I will be able to believe that as I can't recall Julia Roberts playing anything or anyone remotely evil in her acting career. And no, playing a prostitute in “Pretty Woman” hardly counts as evil, especially in Nevada.

But I will go and see the level of evilness that Miss Roberts brings to the big screen for myself, being somewhat of a lover of fairy tales of the non-animated variety. “Mirror Mirror” is based, reportedly quite loosely, on the classic “Snow White” and features lovely Lily Collins as the lead, who enlists seven rather interesting characters to help in her quest for the crown and the prince's heart.

Will “Mirror Mirror” surpass “The Princess Bride” as my favorite adult-but-really-marketed-for-children movie of all time. I doubt it. “The Princess Bride” is a true classic and it is unlikely that any movie, no matter the star-power attached to it, will ever surpass it in the hearts of those who quote it daily.

Other notables in “Mirror Mirror” include Armie Hammer as the handsome Prince Alcott, with other rolls filled my Nathan Lane, Mare Winningham and Michael Lerner among others. I adore Nathan Lane so I would go strictly because he is in this movie, but I have hopes that Julia can pull a good bitchy role and expand her future movie character choices. With a PG rating, Julia can only be so bitchy, but as long as she puts her teeth into this role, it could be quite good for her to break free of the good girl mold.

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