
Monday, March 26, 2012

Goodbye and Good Riddance To Ben & Courtney

Typing away as I wait for, and subsequently watch, “Dancing With The Stars.” I love the cast this year and was really impressed with the talent displayed the first week of the competition. Of course, I know that first week is not necessarily a good indicator of future performance since the celebrities have several weeks to practice and not just the one-week period when the show is underway, but honestly, I am just happy to be rid of the most recent airing of “The Bachelor” on Monday nights.

I “got” why people found “The Bachelor,” Ben Flavnik, appealing. What was not to love? Seemingly sincere, kinda-dweeby dork who had his heart broken on a previous season of “The Bachelorette.” Depending on what angle the camera caught him, I sometimes thought, “OK, he is a little cute,” but other times I thought he looked like the somewhat anorexic first cousin of the Cro-Magnon Man, without any of the appealing muscles or ability to grow a full beard. Seriously, why did he insist on sporting that stubbly growth on his face that was patchy at best, and only served to highlight his blazing red mega-zits?

But there must have been something there because he had the women falling all over themselves trying to get their roses and win Ben's love. Ben, of course, chose the evil Courtney, claiming he felt such a connection to her, especially after she ripped off her clothes and threw herself at him under the guise of some innocent skinny dipping. Only once Ben realized that that little episode might appear on the show did he seem to feel any remorse whatsoever, while Courtney gleefully continued her nasty manipulations on every other woman in the house.

So in the end, Storm Horse Cream Dreams, er, I mean Ben, landed the publicity-seeking man-eater. No doubt the relationship will last as long as ABC deems necessary for them to not have to return the lovely Neil Lane $80K engagement ring.

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