
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Waging Battle With My 4-Pound Yorkie

My dog, a little 4-pound Yorkshire Terrier, who prefers to remain anonymous, but for the sake of my sanity, we will call Mr. Schnapps, suffers from a rare form of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Mr. Schnapps is not depressed by any means, but various weather conditions affect him in other ways.

And that is why it is just a smidge before 5 AM here and I am on poop patrol. Mr. Schnapps was just out, but because it is a bit windy, he refused to do his business outside. He also has trouble when it is rainy, snowy, icy, etc. Mr. Schnapps always manages to do number one outdoors, no matter the weather, and for that, I am eternally grateful, but he is a bit more selective about what conditions he needs for an optimal number two experience.

I have tried setting up shelter outside for Mr. Schnapps, but this dog needs room for his poo ritual that I just can't accommodate. He circles to the left in ever-narrowing circles and then repeats the circles in the opposing direction. I'd estimate the circling portion of his routine can take close to 20 minutes and if anything should distract him (insects are especially fascinating), we must start the whole schpiel all over again.

Mr. Schnapps has learned, however, that he can forgo the circling and cut the process down to mere seconds if he uses the antique Turkish rug situated beneath the dining room table as home base. I'm sure he also appreciates the fact that the dining room is free of the weather conditions that hamper him outside, with no pesky distractions either.

And thus it becomes a battle of wills...which one of us will hold off longer. Mr. Schnapps keeps a watchful eye on me, waiting for the opportunity to do his business as soon as I give up and go back to bed.

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