
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

TLC's Duggars Suffer Tremendous Loss

It will come as no real surprise to fans of TLC's “19 Kids & Counting” that Michelle Duggar, mother of 19, suffered a miscarriage and subsequent loss of Jubilee Shalom Duggar. The tragedy happened last December, and several outlets broadcast the news back then, but to see it happening on their season finale, had me in tears...again. I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for the Duggar family and send only good thoughts their way.

I like the Duggars. I will even say I admire them. This eternally faithful, almost always cheerful family is completely self-sufficient. It costs we taxpayers nothing to support them, in fact, quite the opposite as the Duggar family lives frugally, is debt-free and pays their fair share into the tax system, community and the unfortunate, thanks to their successful businesses and generous donations to others. I may not agree with their beliefs entirely, but I can't fault them for having them. Their Evangelical Christian religion takes the Bible quite literally and they believe that not only should they go forth and multiply to produce a home filled with soldiers for Christ, but also that God will never give them more than they can handle. Their children are well-mannered, giving, bright, funny and sweet. They are accepting of others, even those who live in ways seen as ungodly, yet do not judge.

The Duggars continually demonstrate tremendous grace under pressure and have stood up well against the ignorant, rude and just downright nasty people who feel it necessary to try and take this family down.

You don't have to agree with them, you don't even have to respect them, but please, before you choose to comment about them, take a step back and ask if you would have the nerve and lack of heart and soul to say those very same comments in their presence.

The wonderful world of the Internet gives us all the ability to be anonymous, but that doesn't grant the right to be bullies, jerks and asses too.

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