
Monday, March 26, 2012

Am I The Only Human On Planet Earth Who Hasn't Seen “The Hunger Games?”

It's not that “The Hunger Games” doesn't look interesting, but I haven't read the book and I am one of those people who is utterly incapable of seeing a movie, that is based on a book, without having read the book first.

This can be a problem, however, when living out in the boondocks. Sure, I can get books online, but I really prefer scouring the contents of a bookstore, inhaling that lovely new book smell and having the ability to page through a book to the point that I have to buy it or risk my almost-spotless police record by stowing away in the store overnight to finish a good read.

I do have access to a public library. It is open two days a week for three hours. My shiny library card gives me the ability to request a book, that will then be imported from the “big city” library more than 100 miles away, to my location, absolutely free of charge. I checked. If I were to request “The Hunger Games” today, it could be in my hands in just 786 weeks after the 262 people on the list in front of me have finished it!

Why do I not just break down and buy a Kindle? I LIKE BOOKS! I like real books with pages I can turn and I really love the places that house lots of books, for sale or rent.

My one consolation in all this is that by the time I do make the drive to my favorite book purveyor, or the library purchases a few more copies of “The Hunger Games” so I can read it before seeing it, it should be readily available on television and I will have saved myself the $12.50 it would cost to see it in the theater.

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