
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ron Burgundy Set For Triumphant Return In Theaters Soon!

Will Ferrell, er, I mean Ron Burgundy, made quite the entrance on Conan O'Brien's talk show last night to show off his jazz flute skills and announce his highly-anticipated return to the big screen soon. 

Check out the clip, though I must warn of some adult language - See Ron Burgundy on Conan!

“Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” originally opened in 2004 and within weeks of its release to the general public, became a cult classic. Fans have been clamoring for a sequel ever since and Will Ferrell and the Action 4 News Team is set to deliver another blockbuster that may not gain anyone an Academy Award nomination, it will certainly keep us laughing and quoting the absolute absurdities uttered by Ron for years to come.

Will's portrayal of Ron Burgundy had me laughing as soon as I saw him in the movie because my father's wardrobe of the 70's looked much like what Ron Burgundy sports, including the patent leather shiny white shoes.

While the story line for “Anchorman” The Legend of Ron Burgundy” left a bit to be desired, Ferrell's portrayal of the confident news anchor was likeable and hilarious enough to carry us through the story that sometimes slowed unnecessarily. It is likely that Steve Carell and Paul Rudd will return along with director Adam McKay and producer Judd Apatow.

Twitter users have run amok with quotes from the original movie including “Sweet Lincoln's mullet,” “Son of a bee sting!” and “Knights of Columbus, that hurt!” If you haven's seen the original film, do so now and enjoy the magic that is Ron Burgundy!

You stay classy, San Diego!

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