
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ridiculous Battle Rages Over Bully Movie Rating

How absolutely ludicrous! The Motion Picture Association of America has decided, in its infinite wisdom, to give the documentary, “Bully,” an R rating which will prohibit the very kids who need to see this film from setting foot inside the theater without their mom or dad plastered to their side.

Originally given a PG rating in America, with a strong warning about the language, the MPAA has changed its mind and determined that the film, that follows the lives of a handful of young adults over the course of a year as they were bullied, contained too much bad language and had to be rated R. “Bad language” being much of what is typically spoken and heard in every American home in the country and the same exact “bad language” the bullies employed the use of in their systematic torture of their victims.

Crazily enough, the bullies featured in the film, who all happily consented to appear, and used the “bad language,” will not be able to see the movie without escort from a parent or guardian. We wouldn't want the little thugs to actually hear the words that come out of their own mouths, you know!

Teens in Canada will have no problem seeing “Bully.” Their Consumer Protection Board, that oversees film ratings in each province, gave the film a PG rating. And since there is no PG-13 designation used in Canada, would not the next most logical rating there have been an R IF the film were that objectionable? Of course it would have, IF “Bully” were as disturbing as the MPAA and the Parents Television Council would have you believe.

“Bully” should be required viewing for those in the 13 and above crowd. The language may be coarse, but it is real and it is what victims of bullying are subjected to on a daily basis.

Please take a moment and sign the petition imploring the MPAA to give the film a PG-13 rating instead of an R: http://www.change.org/petitions/mpaa-don-t-let-the-bullies-win-give-bully-a-pg-13-instead-of-an-r-rating

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