
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dennis Rodman Forced To Party To Pay Child Support

Another refugee from Dr. Drew's “Celebrity Rehab” falls off the wagon. Not that Dennis Rodman was ever actually on the wagon to start. Despite Dr. Drew's best efforts, he really never could get a convincing admission from Dennis that he had a problem, specifically alcoholism, and even though Dennis agreed to live in “Sober House,” yet another reality show hosted by Dr. Drew Pinsky, Dennis did not take the process seriously.

After the end of his basketball career, Dennis had been able to make a living doing commentator gigs, guest star roles on major television series and a string of reality shows. He appeared on “Celebrity Big Brother,” “Celebrity Love Island” and “The Apprentice” to name just a few, along with numerous appearances on the late night talk show circuit.

The problem Dennis has experienced is not unlike every other celebrity and sports super star once they stop doing what they did to become famous in the first place...they are very quickly forgotten. Brett Favre anyone? Dennis's career was reduced to paid host at a variety of clubs. Does, and can, the man make some money partying? Sure, but the environment is not exactly what a raging alcoholic needs, especially one who tends to spend more in a night than he earns for his personal appearance fee.

Now $800K in the hole for back child support, it looks like Dennis may actually be facing some serious jail time if he can't pay up. Is it possible that an extended stay in the slammer will help?

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