
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Commentary About 19 Kids And Counting At The Top Of My Email

Apparently someone seems to think I have my rose-colored glasses strapped firmly in place when it comes to my views about the Duggars. Unfortunately, because the email was littered with more expletives than anything else, I cannot re-post it. Suffice it to say that I was accused of having my head firmly entrenched up my back end, and then it continued on to point out the many injustices the Duggar children, especially the females, have to endure.

It was asserted that the Duggar girls must get married early and are not allowed to attend college. This is false. A few of the older Duggar girls are going to college now. Jinger is pursuing a degree in music, while Jill has gone into nursing and Jessa goes for a business degree.

Is it a traditional college experience? No, definitely not, but that doesn't devalue the education or the ambition at all. As noted, eldest son Josh is pursuing a law degree and both he and Jill will transition to traditional college campuses when necessary. The older Duggar children love their family and siblings and are responsible young people who do not mind helping out where needed. Because they found a viable alternative to spending four years away from home to further their education, I should find fault with that? Because Josh, who is married with children of his own, does not choose to leave his wife and children to fend for themselves while he pursues a law degree, I should blast them all over the Internet?

As someone who had a lot, and I do mean a LOT of fun in college, I can also attest to the fact that I paid for it and without filthy rich parents, I paid the price myself. Thankfully, I learned, and quick. I can't say the same for many of the college students I know who are spending many thousands of their parents' hard-earned dollars to fail class after class and turn a four-year degree into a six-year affair.

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