
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Capybara Looks Like The World's Biggest Guinea Pig To Me!

I seriously had to stop watching TLC's “My Crazy Obsession” after seeing too many episodes that were making me physically sick. I mean come on, we had the one woman who stuffed pounds and pounds of baby powder up her nose to start, then there was the dude who enjoyed having...um...how can I say this? Perhaps a “special relationship” with his car would work best. And then there was the young woman who liked drinking gasoline. As someone who has siphoned gas in her time, I can tell you that there is no way in heck anyone who has swallowed even a tiny bit of gas, and spent the next day passing gas burps, wants to see someone guzzling the stuff!

But, I couldn't help myself when I saw the previews for the season finale of “My Crazy Obsession” that featured what appeared to be a MAMMOTH guinea pig! I had a succession of guinea pigs growing up that all lived to ripe old ages, but never one that got to be that HUGE! 

It turns out the MEGA guinea pig was actually a capybara, which is indeed a member of the rodent family and actually IS related to the guinea pig!

I loved the Gary, the capybara featured on TLC, but honestly, the story could have been about any crazy animal lover. Melanie, Gary's owner, was featured because her pet was so unusual, but not so much her love for her pet. Believe me, I have seen that kind of devotion to pets by many and communicating with any species seems to be all the rage. Horses, dogs, cats and now capybara - all seem to be fair game for those psychically-able to channel the animal's thoughts and emotions or minimally, hypnotize their owners into paying for their services.

Wait...I think I'm channeling Mr. Schnapps now...he seems to want something. Yes, Mr. Schnapps seems to be telling me that he wants a Milk Bone and thinks mommy should have a little snack too! Wow! I am psychic! And Mr. Schnapps is incredibly intelligent!

Send me an email if you would like me to spiritually connect with your pet of choice. I offer reasonable rates and 24 hour emergency service is available :-)

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