
Friday, March 30, 2012

Scotty Mccreery is Scotty McDreary To Me

As I have mentioned, on more than a few occasions, country music just isn't my thing. I can tolerate SOME country songs, but for the most part, I quickly tire of the tales of woe put to the same basic melodies over and over and over again.

When country boy Scotty McCreery hit the “American Idol” auditions for season 10, I knew he would make it to their Hollywood week, but had doubts he would ever get beyond that point when the kid continually sang the same song, over and over again. Despite never wanting to know them, the constant repetition of Josh Turner's “Your Man” lyrics stuck in my brain and as soon as I even see Scotty McCreery, they come rushing back in, like a bad LSD flashback. “Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low...Put some music on that's soft and slow...” Ick. Made even ickier when delivered by a skinny, geeky kid with an overly deep voice that didn't seem to belong to him.

Of course my worst nightmare was realized when Scotty won “American Idol,” well, not so much my worst nightmare, if I am going to be perfectly honest, but it was close to the top of the list. I knew if he won, I could certainly avoid listening to him again on the radio since I stray far away the country music stations, but it also meant he would undoubtedly turn up again on the “American Idol” stage.

And sure enough, he did. During the last results show, McCreery was slated to perform with Nicki Minaj. Oh, what a treat, especially for the contestant about to be ousted form the show. Here's a guy who won and look! His album went platinum, but you're a loser and going home. Bu-bye.

Jimmy Iovine presented Scotty with his platinum plaque after his performance. Don't ask me what Scotty sang as I learned to never listen to him after the “Your Man” incident.

Good job, Scotty, thanks for the memories...not.


  1. I totally agree with you. When he actually won, I swore never to watch Idol again. Of course, I said that when Adam Lambert lost who, in my humble opinion, is one of the most talented musician's ever, with an absolutely gorgeous voice. As for Thursday's show, I felt that Minaj "person" has the least amount of talent I've ever heard, not to mention her god-awful lip-syncing.

  2. Now I have to agree with you re: Nicki Minaj! I think it was obvious as well that the judges were less than impressed with her performance. I don't think Simon would have been afraid to say something to her!
